STEP ONE : Start off by clicking the Make Payment location at the bottom of the screen.

STEP TWO : The secure payment gateway will open up as shown. Enter the total dollar amount shown on your customer invoice that was emailed to you. Then click next.

The credit card information page will open next. Continue to fill out the needed information. Take the Customer ID number off your customer invoice as shown. ( The cutomer ID starts with 2 letters followed by 10 numbers. )

STEP THREE : Continue to fill out the information. When done click the Pay Now button at the bottom of the secure checkout page.
The payment gateway will email you a receipt to the email address you provided during the process. Your all done.
Please note: Your other options when making a payment to us for your customer coin order is Venmo, Zelle, or by check. To send us a check please take hi-res images of the issued check front and back and email them to us. You can also fill out the customer invoice and email it back to us and we will process the CC information for you and email you back a confirmation receipt or the successful charge.
Please note : Once a payment is made the order will begin the production process. We treat every payment made online as approval of the artwork at the bottom of the invoice sent. Please note that making payment also confirms artwork inserted in the invoice is approved for production.
Thank you for choosing